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Bush Is Headline Speaker At 'Motivational Mega Show' With 'Inspirational Firepower'

The Huffington Post | Lila Shapiro
First Posted: 10-20-09 07:22 PM | Updated: 10-20-09 10:00 PM

Here's a surprising new tidbit for those wondering how George W. Bush is spending his time these days (besides using his blackberry and penning a memoir): motivational speaking!

Yes, according to getmotivated.com, (h/t TPM) W. will be speaking at the Get Motivated Seminar on October 26. The Seminar (costing $19 per office) describes itself like so:

The GET MOTIVATED Seminar is world famous for its energizing, action-packed, star-studded, fun-filled, spectacular stage show. CNN, 60 Minutes, USA Today, TIME, PEOPLE, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal all rave about it! This motivational mega-show packs more inspirational firepower than a stick of dynamite!

A strange but interesting choice for a man who 73% of Americans thought was subpar at his job of the past 8 years.

Bush won't be attacking that podium alone! Making appearances throughout the day are Rudy Giuliani ("America's Mayor), Zig Ziglar ("America's #1 Motivator") and Terry Bradshaw among others. A once in a lifetime experience? Not so. According to the website, Bush will be back on December 2nd for a second motivational business talk.

Tags: Bush

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Well, remember Capitalism is alive and well in America. Ha Ha Ha! So why not have the man himself who said it, right? All these people who are money hungry will come running to hear what Bush has to say because after all what else do they have going for them after Bush put America in the toilet. Yes, how ironic.




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