What are your views on spanking and other forms of corporal punishment?
Did your parents spank you?
Corporal punishment is a major discipline component of
many African and Asian countries. I was spanked and belted
as a child, but not to the point of abusiveness. The same
holds true for almost ALL of my cousins and friends.
Sometimes a good dose of spanking is needed
to put a kid right. I seldom have discipline issues
with African and Asian students because I know it
is part of their culture to be reprimanded physically.
I seldom spanked my kids when they were children.
They had to write 500 word essays instead. They're ok
for now, but they can get unruly at times.
I'm not too keen on the "time out" tactic. Sometimes
a kid just boil over in anger sitting at a corner.
Tags: spanking
I grew up in an age and enviroment where spanking was the standard form of punishment. In school, it was paddling. I was on the receiving end of many of each. I think in many cases it worked on me. I was very aware of what was considered Right, and what was considered wrong.
My wife did not believe in spanking so I rarely spanked my sons. We used other methods of punishment; primarily some form of deprevation. That seemed to work for us. However, my sons always knew that if other methods failed, spanking was in still in the realm of possibility. I seem to have turned out alright and so do they.
So, I think there has been a lot more attention focused on the negitive aspects of corporal punishment than is warranted.
It is a fact though, that corporal punishment can become a form of abuse if the person administering the punishment takes enjoyment from the act.
Therefor the question becomes, if we allow it, how do we keep it from becoming a form of abuse.
What??? Robbie you were spanked as standard form and you didn't end up angry and in prison?
Oh you must have be an outright liar --- I mean an outlier:)
I went to a catholic grade school, and corporal punishment was handed out like a politican hands out candy at a parade. To the point where I witnessed a nun grab a baseball bat and attempt to brain a fourth-grader for disturbing the class silence by coughing. I was beaten - Not spanked, beaten - Merely on the (lying) word of the teacher's pet, and threatened with hellfire and expulsion if I complained about it, after the lie had been revealed.
(And don't even think about an apology. So much for being taught the saintly virtues of integrity, humility and forgiveness.)
(The lying little shit, by the way, got off with...Nothing. NOT a spanking or any other physical punishment. So much for the fairness supposedly inspired by god's grace. I guess a snitch - Even a lying snitch - Was considered more valuable than the cynicism and contempt bred by watching him be protected by the people who should have been beating the snot out of him.)
No, I don't think that corporal punishment is a good idea. Mainly because the kind of people most in favor of it, seem to be in favor of it for really sick reasons.
I'd be interested in hearing why you are "no fan of the Catholic Church", Steven.
If my dad uses a belt, it is a 'spanking.'
if he chases me around the yard with a metal chain because he
can't find his belt, is it a 'beating?'
Btw, I was able to evade him due to the extra shot of adrenaline.
LoL, I was a well behaved and generally nice child, but when someone
sets off my temper, I can turn foul mouthed.
The difference is not the instrument used for punishment, but the intent.
Just to reassure you Snagg.....I am against censorship (word makes me shudder) so if anything disappears, it won't be on account of me.
It is perhaps a glitch on NING. I remember a years ago being locked out of my main account here. I had to create a satellite account featuring mini me (4 yr old) in order to notify the moderators at the time I couldn't get in.
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No, Macon - You're seeing A part of my hostility towards religion - But nowhere NEAR the main reasons for it.
(At least this time, you recognized it as a hostility towards religion itself, and not only towards christianity.)
And - A razor strop? Like it or not, you were abused, assuming you were a small child when these whippings took place, and not someone capable of defending themselves. You can call it a "deserved punishment" or "Instilling "Respect" all you want, but, beating a child with "anything that was handy" means that you were mistreated. What was beaten into you was not "respect" (Seeing as how you so rarely show "respect" to anyone who disagrees with you), but Fear. Fear so great that to this day you don't even dare recognize it as Abuse.
When an authority figure punishes an innocent child, and makes a show of protecting a guilty one - There is absolutely NOTHING about that, that is teaching "Respect". That is a raw display of brutality, force and utter contempt for the things which are supposed to instill "respect".