LoL.....just another person's thought on reconciling two diametrically opposed outlooks.
I wish to emphasize that none of this is my opinion - everyone will come to the same conclusions (they are deduced).
1. Deduce the most simple science theory of reality (apply Occam's razor to science itself). This brings science into harmony with metaphysics and the foundations of all knowledge - that there must be one substance that causes and connects the many things we experience.
As we all experience many minds and many material bodies (humans and other objects) but always in one common space, then to abide by the rules of science (empirical / senses) and metaphysics (one substance) we must describe reality in terms of this one common space we all experience.
2. Deduce from the Wave Structure of Matter and see how it compares to modern physics. We find that it works perfectly, deducing the central elements of quantum physics, Einstein's relativity and Cosmology correctly, while removing the confusion and paradox.
We have a page of wave diagrams that will help you visualise the spherical standing wave structure of matter (WSM) in space.
![]() The wave center of the spherical in and out waves forms high wave amplitude coherent waves, thus this is where the wave interactions / energy exchanges occur, which gives the appearance of discrete matter 'particles'. Light is discrete because of resonance between bound electrons, causing them to change their wave functions. |
This knowledge of the Wave Structure of Matter in Space provides us with a 'source code' from which we can deduce the truth as a foundation for acting wisely.
Clearly humanity now faces many problems caused by myths and customs that result in endless conflict and harm. Thus knowing the truth about physical reality is critically important for our future survival on our fragile and beautiful little planet.
Basically I hope to make it obvious to people that are either sensible and logical, or enlightened spiritual / religious that we have worked out physical reality (matter-energy interactions in space). To show you that we can perfectly imagine matter interactions in space - they are just wave interactions.
Then you will understand that this whole postmodern uncertainty and skepticism arose from trying to describe an interconnected reality (where matter is a large structure of space) with many discrete and separate particles.
Our existence in the universe is amazing, our bodies subtly connected to all this other matter in the space around us (this is why we can see and interact with it). Currently humanity does not live from these 'connected' foundations, and this 'insanity' is causing the destruction of life on earth that will have catastrophic consequences for all of us.
Geoff Haselhurst (February, 2010)
1. We think therefore thinking things (minds) exist.
2. We all experience having a body.
3. We all experience our mind and body moving about in space.
4. We all experience many other minds and bodies (other humans) and many other material objects - but always interconnected in one common space.
5. To unite Science with Metaphysics we must describe Reality in terms of One thing we all commonly experience - Space.
6. Space (one substance) has properties.
7. Space (one substance) must be infinite (not bounded by another substance), eternal (not created by another substance), continuous (not contain another substance).
8. Light and matter have a particle / wave duality.
9. We cannot add particles to space.
10. We can add waves to space.
11. Space is a continuous wave medium that propagates waves.
12. Matter is spherical.
13. A spherical wave forms a 'point like / particle effect' at its wave center.
14. The electron is a spherical standing wave.
15. The wave center forms the 'particle' effect of matter.
16. The spherical in and out waves explain matter's dynamic activity and interconnection.
The truth statements begin by uniting metaphysics, philosophy and science.
Metaphysics - only one active substance exists that causes and connects the many things we experience (dynamic unity of reality).
Philosophy - the certainty that Rene Descartes gave to modern philosophy - we cannot doubt that we think, as we must first think to doubt.
Science - the principle of simplicity, Occam's Razor; and two sources of knowledge, empirical and logical.
From here we consider things that we all commonly experience with our thinking minds - seeking the one active substance (metaphysics) that we all commonly experience (science). This forces us to describe reality in terms of the one thing we all commonly experience as one thing - space.
Space, as the one substance that exists, must have properties to explain the interconnection and activity of matter. See Aristotle's Metaphysics. We state that Space has one property, it is an elastic wave medium that propagates waves (space may still have more properties to explain aspects of the mind).
Most importantly, there is still only one substance, space, and its wave motions. i.e. The second thing we have added is motion, but it is the (wave) motion of space - we are adding a property to space (it is an elastic wave medium), not another substance. This is an important distinction that requires careful thought.
Thus we move from a metaphysics of space and time (Newton) or matter-energy in space-time (Einstein) to a metaphysics of space and motion, where the wave motion of space causes matter, energy and time. (Space is the one active substance that we were seeking.)
This also explains why we cannot add discrete particles to space as this would be adding a second substance - and leads to the problem of how the discrete particles are connected together, how they move through space?
We then consider the shape (geometry) of these waves in space. We know matter is spherical from the Lorentz transformations and Einstein's relativity. A series of spherical waves that flow in and out through the wave center form a spherical standing wave around this central point in space - the wave center that forms the 'particle'.
The spherical in and out waves, which form the wave center 'particle', are both necessarily connected to, and in continual two way communication with all other matter (waves) in the space around them.
Matter is a wave structure of the universe.
Because we tend to imagine matter as made of inert solid 'particles' like billiard balls then we think of matter moving through space as the continuous motion of these 'particles'. Physical reality is not like this. Motion really applies to space, as the wave motion of space that causes matter (and time). The actual motion of matter 'particles' is the re-positioning of the wave center and is determined by the spherical in waves. Matter moves in discrete steps (this solves all the motion paradoxes).
Because the wave amplitude increases near the wave center, the waves travel more quickly and have a longer wavelength. This is very important - it is the cause of all charge / electromagnetic interactions. The following diagrams explain this.
Waves in an elastic wave medium (space) travel faster with higher wave amplitude, thus the high wave amplitude waves near the wave center travel faster and have a longer wavelength. Therefore for two electrons, their in waves travel more quickly through the other wave center causing them to be advanced (a hollow on the surface of the spherical in wave, similar to the surface of a golf ball) which causes the wave centers to re-position away from one another. This is the cause of charge and why like charges repel. Matter and antimatter attract because the wave interactions are 180 degrees out of phase, thus the total wave amplitude is decreased and the velocity of waves decreases (the opposite of above). This also explains why matter and anti-matter annihilate due to destructive wave interference. |
Simulation of different waves @
Tags: Metaphysics and science
Gravity is talking. LISA will listen.
The Cosmos sings with many strong gravitational voices, causing ripples in the fabric of space and time that carry the message of tremendous astronomical events: the rapid dances of closely orbiting stellar remnants, the mergers of massive black holes millions of times heavier than the Sun, the aftermath of the Big Bang. These ripples are the gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein's 1915 general relativity; nearly one century later, it is now possible to detect them. Gravitational waves will give us an entirely new way to observe and understand the Universe, enhancing and complementing the insights of conventional astronomy.
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