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What's your useless talent?

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Your standard house centipede...Scutigera coleoptrata...YES-scary looking creatures with 15 pair of legs scaring the daylights or night lights out of you. They're mostly nocturnal,though they can startle you throughout the day..I've seen them close to 4  inches in length..with those hairy scary bristle like legs and they run very very fast..as you've probably seen. Happy hunting.


When we lost power for a few snowy days in CO, I cooked breakfast lunch and dinner in the fireplace.  I was my wife's hero until some rat-fink told her we have a gas stove.

I just remembered - I know a guy who can tie a knot in the maraschino cherry stem with his tongue.  Now, that's talent!  Anybody here know how to wiggle their ears?  If so, can you explain how?  I think that would be a nifty trick to know. 

i can wiggle my ears,among other things...like fingers..and toes

yes, but can you explain HOW TO wiggle one's ears? 

it runs in my family,that's all i know

Can you wiggle your belly button?

i don't know,i have an inny

I can write my name upside down....

I can write my name ...

lol......lol....giggling ensues

i can write my name upside down,but i kinda hafta be upside down or it looks like chicken scratch.




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