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What's your useless talent?

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it's never been called useless,lol

I can draw.  Pen and ink mostly, some charcoals.  Thing is I always just gave them away and now I wouldn't know how to start to make it a useful talent.  Plus I never seem to have the urge, the muse, or whatever.  Oh, well, we shall see what we shall see.

That is not a useless talent California!! I value creativity in any form, and as a person who has taken up sketching in the last little while, I assure you it is not useless. It is very satisfying to do. Too bad you gave away some of your work, but maybe not! I am sure it is treasured by the recipients. Have you done any sketching lately?  I think it's great!!

OMG!!!  LOL...that's too funny...  dang....my sides

turtleman impresses the ladies

      I am an excellent marksman using a rubberband and ruler. I have a fear of spiders so when I see one on a ceiling or wall,I'm usually too afraid to get even close enough with a fly swatter. An umbrella is often a good weapon but I've poked too many holes through the walls or ceilings so the rubberband has become my LETHAL WEAPON. It's not just spiders.We get these often humongous house centipedes here in our home in Queens,NY ..and in our home in the Poconos, Pa...with cathedral ceilings,again the rubberband is the gold standard for this executioner. Call it a talent, a skill, whatever. It has become a necessity..survival of the fittest. I always wonder,what Noah was thinking when he let a pair of spiders on his ark?  If it was up to me, they'd be extinct.I don't care how many other insects they eat. I'm deadly with this "useless" talent. One shot and the sucker is squashed or falls on the floor,dead or almost dead in which case a shoe puts the arachnid or other varmint to rest. Useless talent? I don't think so.  

Cute Graphics

I must agree...I only recently got the scare of my life from one of those critters called house centipedes.....it looked like a small bus traversing across the living room floor. I am still in denial that it was even real. It was stealthy and didn't honk it's horn as it drove past. It was a slithery bumbling siting.....I think it was from another planet. I hope this isn't the end result of their crazy adventure...

ahaha,maybe it was a mouse or rat or cat?

Where's Mark and his rubberbands?  Whatever it was, it needs to know the boundaries. A quick sproing from the snapper will cure the uncertainty of where it is allowed to be. I know one thing, if it finds its way into my slippers, it is gone baby, gone!

are your slippers really that bad?




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