TBD on Ning

Are women's bathrooms just nicer than men's?

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I don't go into men's except once at the Madonna Inn near San Luis Obisbo, CA, my husband said I had to see the huge Waterfall in there. I peeked quickly and ran out, it was impressive.

I try to use only bathrooms that I know to be nice from travels and outings. Fast food restaurant bathrooms are usually clean.

I love that bathroom.  It's like a cave.

I try to stay out of men's batbrooms! But if the one at our shop is any indication then yes, women's bathrooms are nicer.

I ain't going there...

Depends...who cleans them.

 At least ladies rooms don't have lines drawn 3/4 the way up the wall for ps'n contests.

Darn transvestites. 




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