TBD on Ning

Where's the weirdest place you have seen someone you know?

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While I was working at the truckstop in Illinois, I took a road trip to California with my ex husband (yes, he was already my ex). I had never been west of the Rockies in my life, but I met people I knew in Grand Junction, CO, in Sacramento, CA, and in Sparks, NV. I loved that! No one knows me anymore :-(

I know you Karin. :-)

I know bote of yous guys

I guess I'll have to go incognito like that Whitey Bulger dude.

Oh, forgive me!  I forgot that I am known by some people here.  But you wouldn't know me if you passed me on the street!  :-)

you wouldknow me in a minute...bigfoot

...bumped into our neighbor on a trip to Washington D.C.

The airport in St. Louis, Mo.

NYC many times

I still think it's weird when I see someone I know on TV.

Yea, I hate when I'm on the network news..




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