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What could you be a tour guide for?

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The Old Santa Fe Trail across  Anza Borrego / SoCa's low Colorado Desert through the Cajon Pass between the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains to the high Mojave Desert,  That and the SoCa San Andreas Fault  which the trail pretty much follows, it's mostly stream beds.

The Nevada Brothels might be an interesting tour.

Area 51 West of Death Valley Panamint Range... 

Well I guess that tour job is already taken. I guess that leaves me with the secret bass fishing spots in SoCal.


That reminds me...

About 3 grocery stores here in town.

the jersey shore

Don't follow me; I'm lost.

Hmmmm... sounds like a plan !

Well, I've done this for my students - so I could give tours of Japan, Germany and also Eastern Europe. I could do tours of European cathedrals and medieval towns, art, etc. I have also given bus tours of Houston, Texas, in German for Gray line tours. For that reason, I still can't tell my left from my right. I used to have to stand with my back to the front of the bus and indicate with my left hand "auf der rechten Seite" (on the right side) and with my right hand "auf der lnken Seite" (on the left side). We had really corny scripts full of puns that were impossible to translate into another language. (Louisiana built a dome too, but it isn't half as good as ours - we call theirs the "Half-astrodome) etc.

I know a little German.




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