TBD on Ning

What's "The greatest thing since sliced bread"?  Should we update that saying?...to what?

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"the greatest thing since sliced television."

ok then my suggestion seems more sane now...."The best thing since pockets on jeans"   Or, "the best thing since chocolate met the peanut butter" ...see how zaney that is....ha!   lolol

you're a real hellraiser you are.

Birth control ;-)

Good one, Karin!

one faucet that delivers hot and cold water at the same time so you don't have to mix it up in the sink; that was icky

was watching an old movie with the two spigot sink that reminded me of this.  i don't think we ever had one, but my best friend did.

The greatest thing since adult social sites....

dvd recorders! (Or maybe Iphones!)

the greatest this since sliced wheels.

I prefer my wheels unsliced! The new rubber ones tend to work better unsliced! (wink!)

depends on what you're using them for.;)

Soft plastic fishing lures




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