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Is there a piece of technology that you find absolutely useless?  what is it?...why?

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when i was a little kid in school,they promised us flying cars...I'M STILL WAITING

I think Gps systems because we all just go where we wanna go...

call waiting.  I've used it exactly once.  It's usually just rude to put people on hold.


Ooh, I (respectfully) don't agree.

It is rude to put people on hold, yes, BUT I only do it to family and close friends who understand the situation.

Here is why:  There are times when you are waiting for an important call from your doctor or lawyer or insurance person, and you know that if you don't take the call then and there when s/he calls back then you aren't going to be able to reach them for another several hours (or even days!).

For example: I've had family in the hospital and been waiting for info on the situation, but also needed to be making arrangements for travel or talking with other relatives, and call waiting is extremely helpful at those times.

I don't have issues with technologies so much as with small appliances and I admit they are very useful and save time, but they take up so much space in the kitchen. (hotdog cookers, potato twisters (electric curly potato cutter) etc.). each is useful in its way, but most of those things can be done without a machine (albeit not as quickly and efficiently). There are some really useless ones out there, but I can't think of them right now.

My Mom has an egg separator, HA!  Those things are so funny. By the time you mess with them, you could have cracked the ding dang thing and whether it was perfect or not matters not...lol. I laughed the minute I saw it. My Mom is a great cook, so it was very amusing she purchased it. She must have seen an info-mercial.

I think your point about call-waiting is well founded WS. I think we all just hate calling a business and immediately be put on hold listening to elevator music waiting for "the next available representative". ..lol.

I have never seen a Tater Twister...lol. I have seen the apple peelers and such. My kids used to love watching me cut the peeling from an apple and wanted the peels then just because it was very cool.

Way back when, I used to be glad there were tape re-winders for the videos we had to return. I used to hate pagers before there was texting. I am not able to think of many really useless pieces of technology off the top of my head either. There are some pretty useless computer programs and software out there though.

The "new" look in motorcycles / Harley.  Not only unsafe at any speed, an ironing board is a better ride.

I must absolutely agree....(dang...I just wasted a good half an hour lookin for a dang ironing board/surfing pic. Being clever is time consuming eh?)   lol

that's a neat trick

You guys are good LOL; not wasting my time :0)

Thank you Mr. Musik! That's pretty spiffy of you:)




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