TBD on Ning

Do you sing/talk to your pets?  What kinds of things do you sing/talk about?

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I have long conversations with the dogs.  And I talk to my fish every morning when I go out to feed them some dog food too.  We're waiting for them to bark.

Sometimes I have to spell words if I don't want them to get all excited. We dance a lot too.

I sing Woolly Bullly to my dog all the time!(Among other songs I might add - Each of my dogs has a "theme song".) Sounds stupid, doesn't it?

All the time :0)

he's all growed up now,he's 2-1/2

He's gorgeous!  I love little white furry dogs


My dear old pal.......Rocky.  12 years old now.  I talk to him all the time, and I sing to him, too.  I even make up songs to him. 

I don't know what I'll do when he's gone. 

he is sooo cool,gotta great face,lotta personality




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