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What is the most rebellious thing you did as a teenager?

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starting to smoke when my dad said don't

Put all the trashcans  on the roof of the cafeteria in high school.

I spent a Sunday with a sailor from Great Lakes Naval Base.  My mother would've killed me!  I told her I was going to my friend's house.  I prayed all day she wouldn't call over there for any reason.  I got away with it.  He was worth it. 

...that could have been me.  I met a girl at the museum and spent the rest of the day with her.

Those chance encounters can be very nice, can't they?  Mine, however, was not a chance encounter; I had met him the night before at a dance. 

At the academy I met some young ~14-16 yo teenagers at a "Tea Dance", the Navy's idea of a "prick tease" for us lowly plebes (Plebes are not allowed to date).  We set up a date and picked them up the next Sunday on opposite bank of Severn River in a sailboat, they stole their Dad's beer LOL... delightful day until we found out the OIC was watching us through binoculars from the tower, we got busted.

You mean those days I skipped school?

drinking and fighting

My Boy Scout Camp didn't do much needed out house maintenance; full to overflowing.  I set fire to the outhouse shit with a little kerosene; Whew......

i shoulda been partying with you dude

I cut school one day and ended up in Saturday detention for a day. My parents never knew or suspected (they THOUGHT I was at a friends house)and the detention was one of the best days of my LIFE...LOL. Remember "THe Breakfast Club"....it was BETTER and a boy I had a crush on was in there. I was mostly a goody two shoes, it was just SO exciting to me to be on the "other side" for a change...haha!!

My family thought I was perfect because I was good, didnt give them or ANYONE any trouble. No smart mouth, etc. I never did all my homework or studied for tests but I did enough to pass. I'm sure THAT bothered my parents but they just figured I was a dreamer and tried their best to get me to STOP that and apply myself. ANYWAY, I mostly got away with drinking which I didnt do often. We went on vacation to Canada every year. The RULE was NOT to leave the cabins resort at night. One night, My friend and I DID. (we were 14 and 16) We went down to a local park and met some guys who were teachers I think (or in college to become them) and had a boat. We had never had Canadian Club whiskey before and we LIKED it....LOL!! Nothing much happened. We talked and drank on the boat at the dock but the guys walked us back and we were STUMBLING. We ALMOST  got away with it except my MOM was at home (I was with my dad, younger brother,  and grandparents) and he was calling her from the payphone down the street from the cabins when we came stumbling past. We told the guys to GO and her and I walked back like we were walking normal! MY DAD was crushed that it seemed obvious to him that his 16 year old daughter was an alcoholic! I was REALLY sick the next day and he agreed not to tell my mom or grandparents about this. When I woke up that next day and looked in the mirror, I saw that I had chipped my 2 front teeth. That was when EARLIER we were drinking a Canadian Beer on the beach with kids from the cabins and I laughed so hard, I smacked the bottle against my mouth...HARD!! Dentist "sanded" it but it still looks FUNNY to me though people comment on how straight my teeth are...to ME, that STICKS OUT and is SO obvious.




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