TBD on Ning

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Hmm, well, I don't suppose it would really matter to the rest of you what I do if you're dead! (wink!)

So I have questions - do I get to keep my dogs and cats? Are there zombies (or virally infected undead) in this equation?

If I'm the only one left and there is no outside threat then I take my animals and move to a temperate climate near a store with lots of canned goods and I start farming and spend my life reading and farming.

I this car and do what I do best.

Tim....ever watch "Top Gear"? The first show this season had them going cross-country in a Lamborghini....a Viper....and a McClaren.

I would find a place where I could grow things. Maybe take over a small farm. I would raid the nearest library often, and try my best to survive on my wits. Anything I didn't know how to do....I would try to find it in a book.

That's what I'd want to do too, there's a few I've always wanted to drive.

They were pretty beat up by the time they got to California, though. Those cars are not built for comfort. And the loser of the race had to pay the tab for the gas they all used. The loser was the McClaren.

yep,saw it.those guys are funny as hell sometimes.

the state police here got busted for taking bribes for letting these supercars tear up the garden state parkway.

I love when they perform tasks with vehicles that were not created for the task.....like when they had to go off-roading with luxury SUVs. :-)

That was hilarious!  I love when that one guy's camper just literally disintegrated.  More like a demo derby than a race!..

Find the closer liquor store.

I drive in the car pool lane!!

Well I guess I would take my animals and travel around living in the nicest mansions until I found one that felt like home, I would raid the garden stores for seeds for veggies, start a garden.  I would raid the freezers from nearby homes to feed the animals. Read a lot, exercise, sing at the top of my lungs in the shower. 




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