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What's the angriest you have been at an inanimate object, and why?

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Computers...im a Tech dinosaur

and these new bloody smart phones..i still use a brick

Any car that strands me somewhere get really get me ticked off

A math problem I couldn't solve.  (still can't).  That book is damn lucky it didn't get burnt.

I don't really get mad at inanimate objects but I have been known to kick forks, etc. across the floor when they go spiraling off the countertop with that "I have a life of my own!" air.  Fine, go be free over there in the next room, ya stupid *!$#@!  Then, of course, I have to go retrieve it.  But I wait until we're both in a calmer mood.

time out for the big,bad fork

I had this freakin printer that got jammed a lot or said add paper when it had paper or told me it needed more ink more often than anyone could imagine. It lives in the garage now in a box till the pick up for electronics because I have a brand new printer that has been nice as pie for about 6 weeks. 

Epson WF-3540 from Amazon, I read tons of reviews on lots of printers, this one everyone seemed to like after long periods of time.


A door that won't stay shut.  I finally just run at it and whack it with both hands out and slam it.

I was a bit upset at the coffee table whenever it whacked my knee. ....and it just did that AGAIN tonight. yowza!

i had one of those nasty coffee tables,i winged it out the door the last time it whacked me.

The computer I used at my old job.  I would be on it for 10 hours straight, and it would work just fine.  I'd go home, and in the morning it either lost something I had been working on.....or couldn't "Talk" to the printer anymore, or some such ridiculous nonsense.  I used to accuse elves of coming in at night and screwing with it; how else would it decide to act crazy for no particular reason??  Thank goodness my ex worked with me and always talked my computer into behaving again. 




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