TBD on Ning

If you had gotten to choose your own name at 5 yrs old, instead of being given a name at birth, what name would you have chosen?

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Tris  It's Celtic.  

And I wouldn't use "Bacon" as my middle name.  Not again ...

what's wrong with Bacon? I been called much worse.


I was named Dean, my grandfather's middle name. I would have much rather had his first name, Harleigh.

My son has a friend named Field,  I love that name.


I once met a guy who was a bartender. His name was Hay Hay. People just got a kick out of saying, "Hay Hay, I'll have another drink!" He had a son named Hay Hay, jr. He was conceived from a roll with the Hay I presume.

Big John Stud

I know a guy named Wisdom. He said he hated it as a kid, but decided he liked it as he got older, (and presumably wiser)

Oh sheesh when I was 5, it would have been something really silly I think like Wendy from Peter Pan or what ever book I was looking at probably Jane or Sally from the readers in kindergarten. I was easily influenced.

Your Majesty.




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