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If someone gave you a book of your complete life story, would you open it?

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NO...its in the possesion of the Court room....i didnt do it..lol

LOL....that's funny.

I'd open mine so I could carry on differently when needed, in my next life. Never hurts to learn from the past.

Yes I would open it and look at the things my long gone relatives said to me as I miss them all

Yeah, but I'd only read the good parts.  Everything other than those is fiction anyway.

Nope, been there done that, I'm waiting for what's next on the agenda.

When it gets published, page me.

I'd read the past stuff, cause I don't remember any of it!  It might be fun to reminisce.

Do I get to rewrite the parts I don't like?  Then I might read it. 




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