TBD on Ning

For those who like multi-tasking while messing around on here, what are you doing right now?

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brushing my dog

Watching commentary on Cosmopolis the Davide Cronenberg movie.

eating a late dinner, watching TV, reading this, and doing my nails.   While I was watching the Golden Globes, I decided I'd wash my hair while Jodie Foster talked.  When I got back, she had everybody crying!  Anybody know what she said?

I see.  So it wasn't you're dying or going away tears, then.  Good.

There was certainly enough press to that effect anyway.  Don't suppose she said anything about Mel Gibson or the children?????  Just kidding.  Now that would have been a bombshell!

I can fish, tie a hook,drink a beer all at the same time..hows that for multi tasking..and keep an eye out for crocs

On the phone ...  

Watching my 4 month old granddaughter and tv

I'm amazed, I can't multi task without messing something up. I can sort of think and type at the same time sometimes.




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