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What is the lamest excuse for bad behavior you've heard?

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any of those things about where you were in the birth order. . .or an only child even.

no, wait, a lamer one is blaming stuff on your sign. . .astrological, ha!

there's no excuse

Hear hear! Making excuses is the lame part!

be excellent to eachother

Well everyone else does it!!

"I was bored; it seemed like it might be fun." 

The excuse my best friend's granddaughter gave for setting a fire in the house.

I'm not so sure that there's never an excuse.  A co-worker's brother tried to rob a bank and he'd been an upstanding citizen for always and it turned out he had some kind of a chemical imbalance.  Cured it all with medicine. 

it wasn't me...it was tim.

that's not such a lame excuse truckie,chances are..i did do it.

Whatever excuse that weiner guy is using...it has to be lame.

It was the Twinkies!




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