TBD on Ning

It's time to retire when__________. Fill in the blank

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you get up in the morning and go to work in your nightgown / pajamas and don't even listen to the snickers.

I think that would be a good sign Julia.

You think cell phones and email are "the latest thing."

When your peace of mind is more important to you than what "extras" you can buy.

Love the lady above; how did she get the job, I wonder?  Maybe it's the boss's mum.

Darn! I didn't know you could get White Out for computers!  I need some! . . . . . . . .  Oh . . . . . . . wait . . . . . . . Never mind.  :-D

Ha ha, fun one.

When you think about your work problems as horror stories instead of finding a creative solution. When it's not fun anymore.




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