TBD on Ning

What's something you are pretty sure has only happened to you?

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The first time I met my wife's parents, they insisted we sleep together in the master bedroom.  We broke the bed.

I mean like, the whole f'n thing crashed to the floor.  I never have been able to convince anybody it was just old and I just happened to be in it at the moment.

A few months after I retired, I ran into one of the guys from work who cheerily informed me that the gal who got my job was doing so good, he thought she was the best person they'd ever had in that position for a long time. 

--signed, Chopped Liver

What a jerk officer....did you give him a black eye?

I think he misses you.

Oh, no doubt...hahahaha!

Beat rectal cancer ten years ago just to turn around and get stage 3 bladder cancer.

Hoping things are improving for you TeeBubbaDee I'm sending you all my special healing vibes now....do you feel that?

In the middle of a deserted grassy meadow in a deserted forest on top of a huge deserted mountain nude with my girlfriend in the throes of orgasm when a small plane swooped down to wave.

On a bike ride with my son, I'm looking ahead and I see a squirrel sitting on a fence that is almost on the bike trail.  Just as I get to  the fence the squirrel hops off  and onto my leg. I can feel his claws hanging onto me, and his very soft belly against my leg.  Well, I'm screaming and shaking my leg trying to get him off, he either fell or jumped.  He was just gone. My son was pretty impressed that I did not wipe out on my bike and I am now afraid of squirrels.

Poor Rocky lol ....

I still cant get over how soft squirrels are, the hair looks rougher than it actually is.




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