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What minor irregularity do you do to help maintain your sanity/insanity, whichever the case may be?

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Daily ping-pong, weekly golf,  digital photography.

Beach walks..the more I do the saner I am.

Ride my horse.  Haven't been able to lately with my back.  Also calling one of my buds and having a good chat....oh, and wine...

Live your life from the inside out, instead of the other way around.  Stop critiquing your life.  You didn't do that before you got so old and wise, why the hell you wanna do it now?  Just live.  If they make you do something you don't want to do, call it exercise or math class or reciting for the aunts and uncles.  Then go on about your business and forget about it the way you always did.  Things are still fun - think fun, think pretty, think comfort, be true to yourself.




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