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In case nobody asked you, How was your day?

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I like shadowman's day. Apple pie....mmmmm. I am so grateful for all of my days. I am looking forward to the fall. I can smell it in the air. The clouds tonight looked like feathers and gray marble with criss cross wisps against a smoky blue sky kissed by some pink on the horizon. I could do nothing but smile :)

There are several stories I could tell about today, but I'll share this one. I just about had a heart attack today. I went to Sam's Club for a few items. I usually park on the far side of the parking lot because there is one place that has trees to shade my car. (Anyone that lives in FL. or any other "sunny" location knows how important a little shade is while sitting in a parking lot) Today was extremely hot, so I left the front windows down about an inch, or maybe an inch and a half max. Got my stuff, and loaded groceries into the back, not a peep. Got in and started the car, and all hell broke loose. There I was sitting in the driver's seat when something came flying out of the back seat into the front, flew back into the back, bounced back into the front off of the dash, (this is when I actually saw that it was a squirrel, before that it was just a flying blur) Anyway after flying back and forth from the front to back and bouncing off the windows several times, I finally managed to get the windows down so the devil squirrel could escape. I think he was about 4 feet long, musta weighed 30 pounds, and I'm pretty sure he had rabies. I'm afraid that tonight I will have nightmares about those glowing red eyes, and I'm not sure if I'll ever get over the smell of brimstone. 

so where do you think this devil squirrel came from and when did he get in - back at the house and you had him with you all along?  did he just wake up?  animal abuse!!  locking that baby in a hot car!!!

California, I think he must have jumped out of the tree on to the top of the car, and them somehow got in through the partially open window.

Animal abuse for leaving a devil squirrel in a hot car??? I'm pretty sure it is hotter in Hades than in my car!

It kinda looked like this...


OK, It's hotter in New Jersey than in my car.

the devil is on ice,is that irony?




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