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What do you remember most about your grandparents?

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His smoking machine in the kitchen, 20 at at a time, and the huge billows blowing the smoke out the kitchen window..  He invented filtered cigarettes.

That at least 3 of 'em (the 4th died before I was born) should've never had kids; so guess it's no surprise that neither of my parents should've either.

My Grandparents had a house on Mackinaw Island, I spent almost every summer there, I loved it.  They were wonderful people. The house is still in the family and one day I want to move there permanently.

Oh, you lucky stiff!  I love the houses out there.  The winters are rough, though.  You have to stock up food and other necessities, cuz going back and forth to the mainland isn't easy. 

My paternal grandparents were children of German immigrants.  He was a farmer, and they raised three boys.  They were typical old world Germans....not warm and fuzzy people.....but I remember how impressed I was even as a child with how they always walked hand in hand and she always sat in the middle of the front seat in the car....right next to him.  They were decent, hard-working people.  I saw more of their soft side as I grew up.  I think I was their favorite grandchild.  All the rest were boys!  :-)  My maternal grandmother came over on a boat from Norway when she was only 23.  I never knew my Danish grandfather, as they divorced way before my mom and dad married.  I guess I met him once, but I don't remember it. 

Karin, my niece has been living up there for the past two years and said the winters are comparable to Minnesota winters.  And you are right the biggest hassle is running out of items.  You really have to learn to go without some of your favorite things until you get back to the city.

Mackinaw Island is one of my favorite places to visit. I loved the drive up and the boat ride to the island and have spent many wonderful days riding around on a bike or a horse. The fudge is a little too sweet for me though.

MY mom's family settled on the Island around 1830 my (not sure how many greats  grandfather was a fur trader).

Never really knew my grandparents on my father's side. Hell, I pretty much didn't know him. I have many fond memories of visiting my mom's parents. Grandma was everything a grandma was supposed to be. Grandpa, pretended to be a hard case, (who wouldn't after raising 13 kids?) but was a real softy. Some of my most precious memories from childhood are of me hanging out with him in his blacksmith shop.

I didn't know my grandparents on my dad's side they were gone early in my dad's life. My grandmother on my mother's side was like a flapper from the 20's she was really fashionable with great style all her life. She should have been a movie star.

my grandparents were from Germany and my other grandparents were from Hungary and Transylvania,never knew any of them.

My mom's parents died before I was born. Maybe that's why my mom was 17 when she had me. My natural father died when I was six months old and my mom lived with his parents, my grandparents for a while. My grandmother was a weapons expert for the Navy and Marines. She was the war hero of the family. When someone kiddenly said, "Your grandmother wears army boots." I corrected them, They were marine boots! They both worked out of the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station.




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