TBD on Ning

Who is your favorite person that you have never met?

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Alfred Hitchcock maybe.

The gentleman I met on Eons.  We've been talking on the phone now for 6 years, yet we have never met.  I feel like we are good friends.  Together we have faced illnesses....death in the family.....highs....lows....joy and disappointments.  So I really wish we could get together....just to share a dinner, and a few hours of good conversation.  Neither of us has any romantic notions.  But we do genuinely like each other. 

Well, Flipper, of course! (And TeeBubba because he lets me yell at him privately!)

You're right WS. Someone needs to keep me inline.

this might explain a lot...or not.

About Bubba or about me?

about flipper

Are you really the KIng of the Sea? And can you do that little laugh like at the end of the show?

no one you see is smarter than me.   ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

I guess we have to toss you some fish now huh?

yea buddy




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