TBD on Ning

What do you do when no one is looking?

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I was cooking a cassarol...chased a gecko and it jumped into the pot

just kept on cooking...didnt tell anyone..but i only had one helping.

now,you're cookin'

truckie I have eaten rattlers before but never a gecko...how was it?

I laugh at, make faces, and applaud the TV.  I never realized it until I saw my neighbor doing it (even with people around).  Well, obviously I know when I laugh and applaud but I didn't know I made faces.

Crazy things, fix my pants or straighten my bra...my clothes have a life of their own move around.

talking to the tv-when watching sports..since my tv is in my room and no one can

really see me or probably hear me

I belly dance!

it's on Youtube.

All kinds of gross things.

do you use a key to clean your ear?

No, Swiss army knife.

Well, I cant promise nobody's looking and I really dont CARE but when I am home, I ALWAYS have the radio on so I am either singing, dancing or BOTH. I am a pretty good dancer but my singing leaves a lot to be desired but I DO IT ANYWAYS!!




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