TBD on Ning

 I am begging you to step tall and help prevent these animals from becoming extinct. None of God’s creatures are too small. Please Help!   

Please Help!

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I promise to never shave or wax!! 

a man's gotta believe in something...I believe i'll go wash my mouth out with lacquer thinner.

I gave at the office.

but who did you give them to? that cute one on the fourth floor? cause......scratch scratch scratch....

Every floor but the basement......oh yea, there was no basement.

plenty of moslem women don't believe in shaving...that's if you get turned on by that sort of thing.

can,t believe I just typed this..think I better go fishing

It's safer in the ocean eh?

LLL will have to throw a benefit.  Oh heck, I think it's safer to join with flipper's sentiments.....lolol

Crabs for bait eh, Truckie??

i think your movement is taking hold...i saw a member just the other day

taking hold of your member? wash your hands.little buggers get in everywhere.




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