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What is something dangerous you do regularly?

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cross the street

i never need a ladder

Ooh, me too,PJ!

MrMusik, I have heard that when babies fall from great heights, they, of course, r so relaxed that they suffer no injuries!  In stunt school I learned the same thing.  Relax when u fall = no pain + u can usually get in a position to aid yourself 2 at least hike up 2 a chair or something 2 sit on.  Then from there u might be able to get ur crutches & get up again.  Relax is the key word :)

i'm not very regularly these days

Going to ping pong ...

...nets we use to pick up the dozens of ping pong balls we work out with.  I don't sweat it :0)

Good go'in! :0)

I still go rock fishing....though im getting a bit too old to be climbing up and down rocks.

mr. truckie,when rock fishing,what do you use for bait? cocoa pebbles?fruity pebbles?

Hi tim....when rock fishing, i use a slab of mullet,slice of squid, pilchards on a 3 ganged hook

sometimes i spin metal lures off the rocks...occasionally i tie a live bait under a balloon.if theres a sandy floor i might use soft plastics.




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