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Who's the craziest person that lives in your neighborhood?

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Probably me. I'm surrounded by government workers....all button-down and businesslike. I am definitely out of my element!!

My grandkids are all nuts. Good kids, but nuts.

I would say almost everyone.  We have 5 colleges in a 2 mile radius from our house,I swear all the professors live in my neighborhood.  They all look alike.  They are about 5'8", weigh about 120 pounds and wear the shortest running shorts.  It's very awkward when they stop and talk to me or my husband and he has his foot up on the step, you can pretty much see everything. And it's not impressive.

EWWW,that's disgusting.

lol, it's so nasty.

i'm the only one who isn't crazy.

That would be me.  At least the really ignorant a-holes that make the mistake of bugging me think so lol ...

you're crazy !

I'm thinking after today it could be me.   I was trying to get my bike in my Nissan today.  It was too long, my neighbor came over and suggested I take the front tire off (didn't occur to me).  With his help, I got the tire off and into the car, delivered my bike to the shop.  Got home, took a look at myself in the mirror, I was filthy, grease streaks down my face, on my clothes, hands, even the back of my legs.   The good news is my bike only cost 16.00 to repair.

I see one man walking every morning when I take the dogs to the park for a walk. He wears a face mask, he might not be crazy just allergic though and there is a guy about two blocks away that has all kinds of political junk written on his truck, I mean covered with it. He is kind of scary.

The cops finally came and got him.




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