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What's the craziest thing you've done today?

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Married my first wife. Who the hell marries someone they met at a swap party??????


you thought if it didn't work out, you just swap her at another party till you get the right one....that's perfectly understandable

LOL ... That's funny :0)

I don't do anything crazy.  I'm so conservative, I think when the priest sees coming in for confession he wants to stop me right there and say "go home carrie, don't worry your fine".   When I was a teenager, I use to sneak out of the house to meet my boyfriend.  Years later my best friend was telling my oldest daughter that and my oldest said to her "my mom use to sneak out of the house why?  to read?"  

Today? Nothing. But the day is still young. ;-)

I volunteered to dog sit a neighbors 2 german shepherds for a few days.  They will stay here,  I'm sure my dog is going to love it, the cat ......not so much.

that's crazy

I was chopping ice in my driveway this morning and my neighbor called me over to see how his driveway is sputtering and bubbling,he asked me if it could be a gas leak,i said,gotta light? he laughed and called PSE&G,1 van pulled up,a minute later they had all kinds of trucks out there.I hope I don't get evacuated again,it's way too cold.

Oooh, that sounds dangerous! I hope you don't get evacuated, too! I guess you'd have to get a motel room for a day or two.....cuz you're right.....it's too cold.

right now,as i'm typing this,the guys are going around in my yard with long pokers,they're poking the ground and my dog is barking.pretty funny.

...don't smoke outside buddy.




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