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If you were insanely rich, what would you collect?

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Fine art paintings and sculptures. (Maybe villas in exotic places ). Rare books.


Ok.....I'll be serious. 

I have always wanted to have a library.....you know .....like in the movies?  All that wood and shelves that go to the ceiling.....an overstuffed armchair and a reading lamp.  I love books.  I would die a happy woman....with a book in my hand. 

But I really think.....if I were insanely rich.....I probably could find a man or two who could put up with me.....on a part-time basis. 

Books. That's it....just books.   


Ocean glass, I love it. Don't need a collection of expensive things although I would like to travel and see some of those paintings and sculptures that WS is collecting. I love art.

Sanely rich, I would have my car restored to its original condition.  It's a great car and if I keep on having stuff replaced it'll soon be original.  Collections?  Hmmm, they take up a lot of space.  Maybe music.

Stained glass and lighthouses

what kind of car? jus' curious

'87 Thunderbird - she's a beauty

officially historic.

I would collect Passport stamps from all the countries I have always wanted to visit and between trips, i want a house with the fabulous library as KARIN M FICHTNER described. I wouldnt want a big house. in fact, all i need is that library, a bathroom, and a bedroom....lol

I'd collect art and music. I would collect cool furniture and have a lavish garden with all sorts of plants. I'd collect trees and flowers and make outdoors "rooms" so to speak with secret entrances, coves, and meadows.  oh my....now I have something in my mind that I would love to create.




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