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What did you catch on fire?

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the bbq grille exploded.

My control panel on my oven was acting up so the repair man came with the wrong part he left the oven unassembled while waiting a week for the correct part. One morning while at my desk a loud alarm started blasting I ran to the kitchen and flames were shooting out of the oven and there was nothing to turn off, no control panel. I went to the fuse box and flipped the fuse to the oven, luckily that stopped the flames. (I was so glad the electrician labeled all the fuses.)

If this had happened while we were gone somewhere it would have burned the house down. 

It happened in my big 5000 sq ft home in Wyoming.

In high school we had to run the popcorn popper and the Principal told me that it would smoke a little and not to be concerned, well we watched it , it started smoking more and more,  but it was popping the corn so we thought it was ok.then flames starting shooting up, we screamed, the smoke alarms went off, the fire department came.   We did offer them popcorn as they were leaving, they declined.

Set myself on fire when I was 16. 4th of July and I had three dozen pop bottle rockets (heads down) stuffed into the front pocket of a brand new pair of blue jeans. Somehow they went off. I kept trying to pull them out of my pocket, but the flames were shooting up my side, so couldn't pull them out without burning the crap outta my hands too. Gunpowder on skin doesn't just sit on top, but actually burns down into the deeper layers. 57 years later I still have a scar on my upper thigh. I'm just glad My Levi decided to put pockets on the sides, and not in the front. 

Back before they came out with microwave popcorn, i,d heard you could pop oldfashioned popcorn in the microwave in a brown paper lunchbag, just set the timer for about five min. and just keep an eye on it, they said. Works great, they said. Yeah, right, after a coupla min., flames were shooting outa that bag like crazy, never did get the scorch marks outa the microwave.

Speaking of microwaves....never put a foam container in it to reheat something....just sayin....lol

At my work we put a  sheet of parchment paper down on top of most all of the pans of food and then top it with aluminum foil. I sat a pan on top of the stove to open the oven door. The pilot light caught the edge of the paper on fire. I had an oven mitt on and squelched it. It scared me a bit though.

I embarassed the snot outta myself with the BBQ grill a couple years ago at the first of the summer grilling some hamburgers. I had put foil down and placed the burgers on it. the fat seemed to be pooling up a bit and so I dumbly poked a hole in the foil. I almost set the little tree on the patio on fire....lol. It scared the bejeesus outta me.

Teebubbadee was doing one of those early days jackass thangs I see. I am glad you were not hurt.

once, my sister Julie set a hot pad on fire that melted the tupperware salt and pepper shakers when she sat a 12 pack of pop on top of the stove.

While camping we were all sitting around a cozy campfire one night talking, drinking and having a good time. I had my feet propped up on the brick edging around the fire pit. We all started smelling rubber burning. It was the tip of my tennis shoe. Gave myself a hotfoot!




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