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What single piece of advice would you give to the automobile industry if you could?

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I got a bright red pick-up.

car companies build what sells. and people can order any color they want. maybe people are getting less likely to want anything different from the herd?....they used to build all sorts of different cars

Next time you're bored and don't have anything special to do....count how many silver Priuses you see. It's unreal. And my son bought me a little Toyota Corolla when I first came down here, and it was that silvery beige color so many Toyotas were a couple of years back. My dil drove me to the store (Wegman's) and dropped me off in front. Then she went to park the car. While we were in the store, my son joined us, and she rode home with him. She forgot to tell me where she parked the car.....and I had a helluva time finding it! There musta been at least 20 little honey beige cars in that lot! A lady saw me hobbling on my bad knee, and offered to help me find it. She asked me for any kind of distinguishing feature.....and I told her I had a Marine Corps sticker in the back window. Big Whoop!! Around here....every other car on the street has some kind of Marine Corps sticker on it! She finally found it for me, and I was so relieved. It used to be only the government drove big black suvs....now half my neighhborhood has one. So much conformity! I can't help remembering Burl Ives' little song....."Little boxes on the hillside....little boxes made of ticky-tacky...little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same. And there's green ones, and there's pink ones, and blue ones and yellow ones.....and they're all made out of ticky-tacky, and they all look just the same.". We have neighborhood associations that tell us how to plant our gardens, what kind of fence we can build, and what color our front door needs to be. Our cars look the same, and they are campaigning for our bodies to all look the same. Now they want us all to think the same way, too. What are we....clones?

it's actually a pretty funny scenario. i live where they make a lot of todo about being rugged individualists and they are against zoning and big guvmint etc etc etc....but the irony is listening to those very people bitch about the color their neighbor paints the house, the neighbor parking his car at the curb instead of in the driveway, the neighbor leaving his christmas lights up and on and on and bitching about hoa rules that won't let them build closer to the street or add a rental unit. so i guess freedom is only supposed to be a one way street to some folks. seems most people want everyone to be the same as they are, i guess.

True. In NC, in the gated community where my son lived, they waited until my son had built a beautiful cedar privacy fence around his big yard.....that matched exactly his deck and gazebo.....before they wrote him a letter telling him he had to have a white plastic fence. He hauled out the HOA's rulebook, and combed through it. Nowhere in that book did it say he had to have a white plastic fence! He went to the president of the HOA and asked him to find the rule against his wooden fence. When the man couldn't find it....he said, "Well, there is no rule...per se.....but everyone else built a white plastic fence. My son said, "So? If I built a white plastic fence, it wouldn't look good with my cedar deck and gazebo.". The man was hot....but he couldn't say anything about it. My dil's HOA actually told her contractor what kind of storm door he could put on her front door! And our tree out front can't be a bush....nor can it be taller than 20 ft. We want a Magnolia tree, but they get too big, so we can't have one. And because they consider it a bush, we can't have a Crepe Myrtle, either! And they came around last Spring and told my son he had to paint his shutters dark red....to match those on our neighbor's side of the townhouse. Free country? Hmmmmm!

That's why I won't live in a HOA.

that's why i love pissing my neighbors off...just part of my f'ing charm....like telling them to piss off when they ask if i am going to mow the acreage down to the road...

and then there are those who just KNOW they are in charge of the universe...

Florida woman gets land-clearing company to bulldoze trailer of neighbor she doesn’t like

Odd News

62-year-old Ana Maria Moreta Folch of St. Johns County, Florida wanted a trailer and septic tank demolished, so she contacted a land-clearing company. After showing a heavy equipment operator that she had a key to the trailer and claiming that nobody was currently living inside, the company got to work. As Jacksonville.com reports, there was one small problem with this – Ms. Folch didn’t own the trailer. Her neighbor did.

The owner, Maria Gottfried, showed up to see what was going on and called the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office. When a deputy arrived, Ms. Gottfried explained that she had owned the mobile home since 2006 and that she had never given Ms. Folch a key. Jacksonville.com, citing an arrest report, says that Ms. Folch claims she had the trailer bulldozed because, “people who had lived there were unsavory and she suspected they had broken into her car. She said she considered it a favor to her neighborhood.” This ‘favor’ wound up causing approximately $25,000 in damage. Ms. Folch was charged with criminal mischief.

Don't lie to us about your cars' safety flaws. Fix them BEFORE somebody gets killed.

I have to agree Johnnieboy. If they know about a flaw they should fix them and or recall the vehicle. It's scary to think about.




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