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What's the most awkward car ride you were ever a part of?

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I can think of one time when I was on a long road trip with my mom and she started talking about what a horrible marriage she was in, then she started to tell me how she hated sex with my dad.............. oh god I wanted to throw myself out of the car.  

isn't it amazing

when the bloke says I DO

the wife                  Doesnt

that was in reference to carries post

When I shared a "Bachlorette" apartment with my best friend, she worked in a sales office with a bunch of guys. Her boss thought he was God's gift to women; bragged about having "done it" with three gals in one night! Darlene had a crush on his friend...one of the salesmen....Errol. She begged me to go out for a drink with the two guys with her. I survived that. Then they took the boss's Lincoln and dumped me at our apartment with Mr. Wonderful. He literally chased me around our small apartment....turning out lights as he did, while I kept turning them back on. Every time the lights came on....he was wearing less clothes! Meanwhile, I was fully dressed. When it became apparent he wasn't gonna get lucky, we sat down and waited for them to returrn with the car. When they did....They Wanted the Apartment! Now I had to go out in the Lincoln with the boss to get some pizza! Worst ride in a car ever! Wow! Was he mad at me! By the end of that next Monday....he had spread it all over Darlene's office that I was a lesbian. She owes me for that one :-)

she owes you big time.

that Boss needed a thick ear

A family argument on the way to a funeral.

Sitting in the back seat while my son and his girlfriend had an all out screaming match.

Doing it in the front seat while another couple were in the back seat.

Back seat of a police car.

Truckie......the worst thing about that man.....he was married and had an 8-yr-old daughter!

It was sort of a car ride,i did the nasty in a vw beetle,i'm 6'3" 230 lbs.good thing she was 5'1",80 lbs.it was awkward.

I don't even want to know where the gear shift was!  :-)




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