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What company has forever lost your business?....why??

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I could get a job in the insurance business because all you have to learn is to say the word, "No!".  Which is perfect for me because as I get older I seem to have no sense.

That and theoretical physics is getting too complicated to understand.

Hobby Lobby because of their  attempts to enforce their political/religious views on their customers and employees. They refuse to provide contraception to their employees in defiance of the law.

Hungry jacks...looks like shit

Mc Donalds.....tastes like shit

Indian food...Gives me the shits


So many now, all those who are changing employee hours so they don't have to give them health care. Those who discriminate against race or gender or gays. Chick-fil-a is one.


Wal-Mart, I used to drive 2.5 hours one way to shop at Costco when there was a Wal-Mart 25 mins. away. I always felt it was worth it.

i don't know the legalities out west,but here,if your insurance company screws you,you CAN sue them,and lawyers are more than happy to take the case.

It's a game insurance companies play the longer they keep the money the better, I think in most cases it pays to get an attorney at the first sign of a struggle to get what you were covered for.

I will say that Geico was very generous and quick when my husband totaled our Tundra. I was very satisfied with the amount they paid us.

I had resisted facebook forever, but only recently joined because I opened a small used furniture store and need to try and drum up some business...I hate the chatter at work and the way our boss checks our facebook status allll the time to see who says what and noses in on our personal lives. I think it is a very bad thing. I may not keep the account, we will see. I do like that I can keep in touch with some family members via facebook though.

I have to agree that I want nothing to do with companies who manipulate the employee hours so that they are just under the required amount of employment to make them eligible for insurance...and it's usually sucky insurance they provide in the first place. I hate discrimination of any kind as well.   good answers.

sorry for the struggle with Farmers Ins! That must be a nightmare and a half.

Ford Motor company.  Back in 1995 I worked for a financial services company that was owned by Ford.  I went to replace my Chrysler brand mini van and I went to Ford to buy one, since they offered an employee discount.  I saved $4000 on that purchase and had to put it back into the van three times to replace the engine.  It kept blowing the head(whatever that is) It was also so poorly designed that most mechanics hated working on it, because of a lack of clearance.  Ford couldn't give me a free car.  I just don't even want to be seen in one.  FORD  Fix or repair daily or Found on Road Dead

I hear the quality is really good now for Fords, better than Toyota in some cases. I did a lot of research before I bought some Ford stock when it was down to a buck a share, I sold most of it when the stock went to just under $20. That was a great 3k investment for me so I love Ford. I still have some shares and I'm holding them. ♡♡♡

i been a ford head my whole life(but raced whatever they told me to)but owned nothing but fords,till 4 years ago,i test drove my 1st mopar,fried the tires out of the lot and all the way down the road with the salesman yelling at me,so i bought the nasty dakota on the spot,been having a ball since.




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