TBD on Ning

What baddass thing do you do these days?

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I gotta go with Rose on this one.

I know a bad ass, but it's a medical thang.

I shoulda said raunchy ass,LMRAO

Intimidate the guy whose phone my ex is calling from.  It's fun.

I just hang up without even saying "hello".  Either that or ask them to hold for a sec and walk away har, har....

I sometimes go in the exit door at Krogers....

you sure live dangerously.

Oh, you wild-eyed rebel, you!!  :-)

I hat to admit it, but my ass occasionally does bad things. 

you mean clear a room in a single fart...like superman?

I cleaned out isle's 6 and 7 at Winndixie one time ....Heard a little child tell her mommy someone pooted ...

Exist.  (As in take up space.)




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