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What is the first thing you remember as a kid?

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hmm,i don't know...i was kinda young

Sitting on the sofa watching Captain Kangaroo.

When I was ~2 I guess I was snooping around the boxes in the attic and found my toy soldiers from last xmas.

My big white bunnies in a cage I remember sitting on the tall grass and feeding them. That's the earliest memory I must have been about 3 or 4.

Pretending I was a horse, or Jane to Tarzan (as we had a wonderful tree 2 climb).  Every time I went 2 the pool 4 swimming lessons, I also pretended that J & T thing 2!

Oh, not to mention Wendy & Peter Pan.  I just knew one nite He would come to get me 2 :)

did they ever come to get you?

A swan on the screen door of our first house in Florida.

My parents never believed me, but I remember my crib breaking down on one side when I was little.  My mom says I was no more than 3 when that happened.  Maybe so....but I remember it.  And I remember seeing a snake in the outhouse we had that scared me to death.  And the night my dad took the rifle and went out to the barn to chase off a bear.  I remember me and Mom standing at the kitchen door, terrified.  I was 4.

I remember when WW2 (1 3/4) first started my dad going out in one of those WW1 helmets during blackout drills to make sure no one had any light showing.

i remember when i was 18,i was legally able to drink at the bar

Okay!  My first laugh of the day! 

Kiddo, the jokes (that was a joke, right?) are so much better than early memories.  Every time I come up with a memory, I think of something that the early memory explains about why I'm the way I am about certain things.  Nooooooooo!!!  Seriously, the least crazy one concerns me as a 1- or 2-year-old crawling under the hangers from one bedroom through a dark connecting closet to another bedroom. 




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