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What's the weather like where you are?  Give us the nitty gritty....

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Hot and humid

We can eat our hearts out lookin' at that photo truckie:) Looks very nice.

Love those colors truckie!

Supposed to rain tonight last two days in the 70's.


Wet and chilly enough to dampen one's spirit

You don't want to know. It did get above zero yesterday! (That made me happy and it is warmer today 8 degrees last time I looked!) I sure miss the warm south!

Here in Ohio we have had a generous amount of sleet, snow, and rain making it a treachery to travel. Some up north in the state, they got about 9 inches of snow. I have a jeep liberty with 4 wheel drive, thank goodness. (btw, I only just learned how to engage the four wheel drive and when I saw how simple it was, I really had to celebrate!)  It's a hot chocolate day...or latte.

"hot chocolate day...or latte"

Hard choice ... :0)

I just got a Starbucks 'Verissimo" for Christmas, little single cup coffee machine, makes really good espresso (and lattes), and I can get those little cups to pop in that make hot chocolate too.

What to do, what to do ....

There's no place like home, there's no place like home. Partly cloudy again today some rain early temps in the low 70's

20 miles South Tucson 31 Fri night 57 heat of the day, 8 mph wind, chilly outside. P C till after ppm clear evening now.




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