TBD on Ning

I went to The Renaissance Faire in Sterling Forest, NY last Sunday. I had a nice time enjoying the "alternative reality" (as my daughter described it) experience. I also had a tarot reading from the Wise Woman on Mystic Way. I didn't feed her ANY information, yet her reading of my past, present, and and maybe even my future was UNCANNILY accurate. I am a believer of psychic/keen intuitive abilities because there are some in my own family who have it.

What are your thoughts or experience(s) with these gifted people?

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There may be a "sixth sense", but I believe that the vast majority of "psychics" (etc) simply use the standard-issue five senses very well.

I once did palm readings for a fund-raiser here in town...and I took my "readings" from the lines around folks' eyes, their clothes, their jewelry, their body language. One woman had a very distinct crease in her ear and some fat deposits around her eyes--not hard to spot health problems (in her case: high cholesterol and heart disease) if you know what to look for. ;)

As with so many things, I'm willing to keep an open mind, and I believe that some people have a specific, intimate relationship with energy--but I have known very, very, VERY few that aren't shill and sham.
we wouldn't need these seers. sassikatt

For the most part, we go to the seers for entertainment or for curiosity sake.
I do believe in use of tarot as a powerful tool for reflection and even for divination,
depending on the skill or talent.

My close friend refuses to see one particular seer after he described her apt in detail
and told her where she could find the hidden item. She went home and found it
exactly where he stated it would be. He didn't live in her vicinity and he has never
been to her apt before. He is a voodoo priest of some sort.
I feel that we all have our own intuition and some of us are more in-tune to the energy around us, so I feel that I don't really need to go to a seer for my answers. I like what you said about how for you, its more looking inwards rather than looking outwards. That makes sense to me, on how to use things like tarot cards and such. sassikatt

Thank you. I do believe in the utilization of Tarot in a therapeutic context, as a tool for focus.

Getting back to my experience last Sunday with the Wise Woman of Mystic Way (@ the Renaissance Faire), she did something curious at the beginning of the reading. She initiated the reading by asking me to choose 1 card which appealed/attracted me the most of three open ones. Of course I chose the one with the sunflower because this particular flower have appealed to me of late. I have it as the image header on my profile and one of my user's name on AOL is sunflower moon. The card came up a couple more times in the spread after I shuffled and cut the deck.

Her reading of my tarot spread basically states that I am undergoing a period of blossoming in my life--a much happier time than what I faced in my past. It is true, but not surprisingly so because I probably would have made that connection myself if I read the cards. I do appreciate someone else reading with more skill, because it does give me more focus to reflect on and it is a viable way to acquire a new perspectives and to identify my personal wishes or goals. Sometimes these things aren't clear unless one really thinks about it.

I believe in all of it! Of the dozen or so seers that I've seen, they've all been correct. I have not seen many, but to my delight they are always correct.
Dyslexic Dodger is psychic. She may not know it, but she is.

The clearer and closer you are to your true self, the more you see. And the more others can see you for who you are, the more accurate is their perception or "reading."

That's what I think.
Soul2u - I believe in reincarnation but not sure if my sucky life now is because i was a horrible person in another life or if it is much, much, better than one of my previous lives.

I know I was an indian maiden, good life but died young (that is another story); I believe I lived in Wales before WWI and was of a working rich family (father was a doctor) but I don't know how much of that is projected from books I have read.

I am trying so hard to be a good person in this life so that I won't hurt anyone and come back in another life in punishment mode.

But on a light note, when I was in high school I received a game that told what you were going to be in your next life. My brother in law, a pompous, spoiled, self absorbed sob if I ever saw one, pulled the card saying he was coming back as a dandylion on a putting green. He got mad and wouldn't play the game anymore (did I also mention he was childish-but again, another story but not worth telling.)

Another topic, but when I was about 7 or 8, my grandfather died and came back to talk to me one night. He didn't scare me and I never told anyone, not realizing that was an unusual occurrence. Later in life I mentioned it to my mom and she was open to the possibility - I got the impression it had happened to her. I found out then both my sisters were aware of people coming back to talk to them.

I've been awake all night, feel like sleeping but can't - too many bad possibilities in the near future (homelessness) but also a good possibility - if only the government didn't work so slow! I would appreciate a visit from someone right about now.


I do have phychic ablities and have done many reading. I have found my reading can not be done for profit and are very taxing on the body. They are not parlor entertainmet. It got to where too many folks were basing there entire future on what I said. It was too much of a burden. I do not read anymore.
It is my belief that everyone has psychic abilities, but that they are more developed in certain people than others. My family has keen intuitive abilities. Some of us are precognitive. Funny that this thread has resurfaced. My sister had an episode around Christmas. A few days before Christmas, for no particular reason she thought of her coworker's son. She is very close to her coworker, but his son was just an acquaintance. This same coworker called her two days later to tell my sister that his son died falling off a ladder 2 days prior and that his funeral was the next day. I was with her the day she took that call.

I've had several similar experiences in the past enough to freak out some family members. My mom, daughter, and son also have had precognitive experiences. Most people classify precognition as "supernatural," a 6th sense. I think it more commonplace than people think, but society deems to be a "dark" gift or simply figments of an unstable mind.
i've seen the same guy at the Maryland Faire, many times -- tarot and runes. he and several of the women there (particularly one palm reader) have given me spot-on info, but it does depend on my ability to adapt what they say to my story. i use it as one of many inputs.

as for myself, i have some extrasensory skills, i try to use them judiciously. if a friend is in need, i'll call and check in; if their need is someone else's emergency, then i just resort to healing energies thru the ether. one cannot have too many friends and supporters on this walk thru the world.




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