TBD on Ning

Am I the only one on here?  Anyone else have love issues?

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Well - dare I say it - I'm home alone - the man is off on a gig out of town - I could have gone - but I just wasn't in a mood for a road trip and rock'n roll (besides - a lass has to know when it's time to encourage her lad to lime with his mates)! So I''m fiddling with stumbleupon.com (a fun social bookmarking place whereby one creates an interest profile and web sites pop up to suit) Last.fm which I just joined last night, TBD of course and my delicious.com - another social bookmarking site . . . I could go on facebook too - but then I might feel a tad overwhelmed !

I'm actually loving the silence (TSD is most times quite chatty - and after suffering punishing silence from my ex of 20 years - I'm NOT complaining ) other than my music . Fixed a fresh pesto and penne dinner and salad with a lovely white wine to hand, dined on my fave. china and my lovely crystal wine glass. I use cloth napkins and we use ours until it needs a wash - we each have a napkin ring to separate his from mine. Do you treat yourself well when you are alone? It's important you know - to celebrate your things, to celebrate yourself. I've had so much taken from me, lost so much. Now - lovely things are treasures to be used and appreciated daily - for we only borrow things for such a short time . . .

Psst - if you have a last.fm or other site I've mentioned - pls. consider linking we me so we may share!
I'm dazzlingdiana on stumbleupon.com , DianaVeraDesign on Last.fm, and agathon12 on delicious.com and agathon12 on playlist.com
Safe journey! How long is your tour?
I wish I had known. Tsk. We would have loved to have you with us. I don't bite and TSD is a dear - ask Larry & Kitty Cat (why does this sound like "just ask Alice" : )!?! You must not think of coming back without telling us please. I insist (if I may)!

Well I moved 5000 pounds at $1.00 a pound frm. YYZ to RDU - so I'd better like it - and I do. Very much. It's hardly big city living, but I've had more than enough of all that. It's nice being a bit bigger fish in a smaller pond, and there are many circles to play in here. It's hardly a backwater culturally, but it's not NYC or Chicago either. It's warmer in more ways than one, and I think this city is terrific. No public transportation of any note which galls me no end, but plenty of bike trails and walking trails and nice neighborhoods. Forbes had extremely nice things to say about this area before the EthugCrash (as I'm wont to call this debacle), and I was doing extremely well until Nov. of '08 and there is still a better glimmer of a faster recovery here than in many other parts of the country.

It favours women in business, and being only two hours from the mountains or the beach is wonderfull. People are quite friendly and because it's a heavily populated college environment - there isn't that draggy old feeling that a lot of places have. If I were single I'd be having a field day! Southern men . . . they are a bred apart ;0 ! Most importantly - the cost of living is very manageable - the lower costs astonish me at times.

I like it here and highly recommend it. Four seasons is reason number one!
Stats. by the way are that approx. 60 thousand people move to the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area a year.
So MZ m'darlin' . . . did you have a good time ;) ?
;) Happy making thank you - TSD was home for change ! Most weekends he is working. As am I - so it's not a big deal. But when we are both free on a weekend - it's a treat! Thanks for asking !




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