TBD on Ning

Today I realized that we have less than three weeks until Christmas.  I started looking at what to get for the grandkids.  One is too young to tell me, so I get to chose.  The other two I'm still waiting to hear what they want from Santa.  I'm waiting for the 7 year old to have his version of Santa this year.  Last year when they took him to see Santa and was asked what he wanted Santa to bring him, he informed Santa that he didn't do that.  You order it on the internet and UPS delivers it.  Go Figure!  Any other good stories?

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Oh gawd!  I haven't shopped either, but I really don't have a lot to do.  Got the day off of work today and plan on going to a nice "artsy" store that specializes in glass in hopes to find a gift for a friend and my boss!

The few other gifts I'll get online, but I'd best get cracking on that too!

I've barely started.  I'm doing most of it online.  I don't drive anymore, so it's a pain to get to the mall. 

I do all mine thru the year and mostly with catalog. Mail my packages the day after T-day, while everyone else is out shopping, the post office is empty. Mailed my cards on Thrus. Still have a few to wrap. My daughter-in-law will do the cooking and they are using their house this year, so I think we are ready. Good I had everything done as my car is going to be in the shop for 5 days next week. I learned my lesson 4 years ago, had a stroke on T-day with a house full of company, in the ER had a heart attack, then got a brain infection and in coma for 3 days, while in coma they let me fall out of bed and broke my pelvis, so ended up in a nursing home till 2 days before Christmas, but because I have everything done and labeled my son was able to deliver every thing on time.




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