TBD on Ning

I was outside yesterday and noticed that the trees are really starting to lose their leaves and the colors are getting really pretty.  How is Autumn shaping up by you?

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Hi Helen -- we don't have much fall foliage here in south Florida but I did make a trip up to mountains in Virginia last week and the colors were spectacular!!

In the high country we passed our peak a few weeks ago. Here in the city there is still some color coming thru.

It's just now getting pretty here. In about a week, my favorite Rappahonnack River will be lined with color. The mountains here in VA are already peaking; they are cooler up there. We lag behind a little. I wish it lasted a little longer; it's my favorite season.

we got alotta color goimg on here.

I'll bet your town is very pretty in the Fall.  All the pictures I have seen so far would indicate that. 

yea,it's a little Podunk.

Just starting here and getting pretty quickly this week. 




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