The weather was brutal in the Half-Marathon yesterday. It was cold, windy, and raining quite hard off-and-on. Weather-wise, it was the worst race I’ve ever participated in. I kept my newspaper sleeves and poncho on until I ran the last mile. I didn't want them on for any photos taken at the finish line!!
I really missed running with my regular running group; but on the way out of the Convention Center to head toward the starting line, several of my friends grabbed me (I tried to get away, but they wouldn't let me go!) to have one of their husband's take a few pictures of us. Wouldn't you know it, but he couldn't get the camera to work, so I hurried up and gave him mine, since I knew I'd have problems trying to find my friends in all of those 20,000 + runners. (The photo of the 3 of us was one of the pics he took.) However, I never DID find them, I even almost ended up in the wrong corrals (with the faster runners who start the race earlier than us slower runners) looking for them. There were lots of loud laughs behind me when runners saw the back of my shirt. A number of them said that my sign was the best one they'd ever seen! Some of the guys even would run up beside me and ask me how old I was. So, instead of saying "74," I'd tell them, "I'll be 75 in May!!"
In the results, I received a 2nd place age group award in the 70-74 year-old age group. A 70 year old woman from Texas received the first place age group award. At least in the half-marathon there were 17 women in our age group - not like the marathon where there's usually only one!
I guess it was meant to be, though, that I ran my race alone, since if I had stayed with my group, they came in about 5 minutes after I did; so I would have ended up with a 3rd place age group award instead of a 2nd place age group award!
The professional photos aren't available yet, so I don't have any "Action" running photos yet!
Congratulations for running that Marathon. I used to run myself and remember we had the 5 mile Turkey Trot here in Chicago because it was in November years ago and out of the four gals that we used to run together I and one other got to the finish line. I remember one fainted and had to be carried away. ha-ha. I think I soaked my body all day after that and then went to bed! lol
Thanks, Zochitl!
You are fantastic!
You must have been concentrating too much also don't you think? How amazing about the blind runner. did he make it to the finish line?
I don't know Zochitl, but there were a number of blind runners in both the marathon and the half-marathon. Several other runners said that they were zoned out like I was; and they were tapped on the shoulder to get out of the way when they didn't hear the warnings, so I don't feel too bad!
Thank you Sherrie!
Steve, when I started walking last spring I started going around the block and by the end of the summer I was averaging 2.5 to 3 miles a day. Some days I squeezed in 4 miles. I did it in one mile increments. Once I got started it was like a game to me to see how far I can push myself. Right now I'm trying to get in at least a mile a day unless the weather is really foul. If you pushed yourself a littl further each day you'd be up to an hour a day on the stationary bike. It's really cool once you start to do it.
Helen, you are doing so good with your walking. The most I've walked was 3.1 miles twice in the Revlon Breast Cancer Walk in Los Angeles. It was like a game to me too. I finished the first walk in 1 hour flat and the second time it took me 10 minutes longer because there were so many people walking I could not break out of the pack. The one thing I was proud of was that I did not stop......just kept walking until the finish line. It was really exciting because the finish line was inside the Los Angeles Coliseum.
TW, you LUV your finisher shirt and medal, and we LOVE YOU!!
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