Please pray for these people who have cancer......
this is list #3
Dora Stanley- ovarian cancer,
Debb and Cassie- cancer,
Tom- aggressive for of cancer in his kidney and lung, with not much time to live,
Ervin Jackson Jr.- cancer,
Vicki- cancer,
Adean Eason- cancer,
Don porter- blood clot in his lung, circulation complications and cancer,
Gerald Joanisse and Gerald Wright( are now free from cancer Praise God!)
Vance Fulcher's brother- prostate cancer,
June Rouse- lymphoma 3 times, now with breast cancer,
Labrenda Youmans from NY- breast cancer,
Charles Barker's brother Leonard- possible pancreatic cancer,
Antonio, the cook @ johnny K's restaurant- colon cancer,
14 year old Gabe Hilliard of Louisiana-Hodgkins Lymphoma,
Bruce -Cancer of the neck,
Tammy -breast cancer unoperable,
genette carpenter- breast cancer,
little Girl Alyssa Riekofski who has brain cancer,
Fred's friends- Judy, Patrick, and Pank- cancer,
Mr.Freddy (is now cancer free, thank you Father)
pray that God will send us a cure.
Thanks for the help praying. Let me know if anyone needs to be added
to the list.
Ken O.