TBD on Ning

What do you think??

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Not on Fb but that description sounds more like a dictatorship. Now Twitter I was on for a while and it seemed to be anarchy, hoo boy.

That is a very accurate description of Facebook. And Twitter is almost as bad.

I was on FB before and didn't like it much. To much bragging and drama for some.

Sounds true to me.

Oh Jozee, you are so right about the bragging.  My brother is one of them.  Checks in everywhere he goes.  Everytime he goes on vacation same thing.  

I do like seeing others photos of grandchildren, pets or designs and my nieces sculptures gardens that people have or house plants.  I like the messenger part so I can have a private conversation.  But part of it does lean toward socialism.  What I do wish is they would  ban politics.  For some reason religion doesn't seem to be a problem.  

Don't do FB...refuse to enrich that slimy little bastard Zuckerberg.

I guess that we're all in agreement. I'm still on it because I have some cousins that I haven't seen since I was a kid living at home and we occasionally trade emails. I'm a hair away from closing that account. Everyone is different because my wife loves it. Most of her family is on it and they email each other daily. I have a brother and sister and neither one is on it. We all prefer to talk via phone. 

Sounds about right. And now they have this new format which everyone I know who's on FB doesn't like. I haven't been on FB in two weeks. But I'll stay on because some of my old Eons friends are there, I've connected with family members across the country who I would not otherwise have been able to and I manage a family photo group where I'll eventually post the hundreds of family photos I've accumulated. My family loves and appreciates seeing photos of their mother, fathers, grandparents, aunts, cousins etc so much. 




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