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If you're in a group conversation and people are talking about subjects that your thinking or beliefs are completely opposite, what would you do?    Do you avoid controversy?  I do now that I'm older.  Not when I was younger, I'd have started a heated debate and loved it.

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Yeah, me, too, Helen. I still like a good healthy debate with my bff Dolly....but that's because there is never any animosity or nastiness in it. We sometimes meet in the middle....and sometimes agree to disagree. But I won't engage in controversial debates anymore. It never changes anyone's mind, and only raises my BP.

You would think that grown-ups would be able to have a conversation and give their opinion or beliefs and the other person listen or read it then state their opinion or belief without running each other down for what they believe in.  We still have a right to our opinion even if it differs from someone else.  It also gives a different point of view.  With that being said, in today's world, it just seems that people can no longer do that without becoming defensive or hostile.  

I won't put mtself in that position any more.

 I'm like the others. If I'm with friends I might tell them my point of view but as crazy as people are now I just sit and listen to what they have to say and bite my tongue.

I had a friend who passed away last March and her and I c ould have a debate whether we agreed or not.  However, when we'd be talking she was always yelling and I told her anyone listening would think she was mad at me.  Then we both laughed.  Half the battle is seeing the other persons opinion and listen to it an ask them why the feel that way.  I would go from there.  The last part would have to be someone I know well.




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