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Since I'm a day late posting this perhaps we should list books about a different time... perhaps time travel or just historical or futuristic favorites.

I'll post the title and the next person can list the author and a book of their choosing...


The Time Traveler's Wife,  highly popular a few years ago...


Written by_____________???

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Written by Audrey Niffenegger

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea  by Jules Verne

Jules Verne (thanks for the hint - wink, wink)!


Stranger In A Strange Land

My favorite futuristic novel is The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri Tepper; it's a very feminist postapocalyptic novel.

So much for reading the directions!!  And where did I think the game was going?????

Stranger in a Strange Land was written by Robert Heinlein.

The Time Machine was written by???????

The Time Machine was written by H G Wells

What about The Clan of The Cave Bear? (it's pre-historic time)

I know the author, but I`m unsure of how to spell her name Jean Aeul.

Jean Auel placed her series of books on the Earth children in the southern region of France in western Aquitaine.  It started with "Clan of the Cave Bear" and ended with her latest, "The Land of the Painted Caves." I was fortunate to spend a month living there about 12 years ago as part of a cultural study  program (these are my ancestors) and touring the famous caves where western man first began to evolve into the modern European.   http://www.cavesandcastles.com/thelandofpaintedcavestour.html

What is the name of a new epic fantasy that is placed in a land very much like Europe in a Middle Ages setting?   (Name of first book or seven book series) 

That's The Game of Thrones series.

Here is a hard one:

The year is 1908, the city is a resort called New Venice. It is in the arctic where the rich live in ice palaces.

But as the city prepares for spring, it feels more like qaartsiluni, "the time when something is about to explode in the dark." Local "poletics" are wracked by tensions with the Eskimos circling the city, with suffragette riots led by an underground music star, with drug round-ups by the secret police force known as the Gentlemen of the Night. An ominous black airship hovers over the city, and the Gentlemen are hunting for the author of a radical pamphlet calling for revolt.

The plot is a bit of a stretch but the languae  is intoxicating

The answer appears to "Aurorarama" by Jean Christophe Valtat. 

This famous novel is at least, once upon a time. 

'Once upon a time when the world was young there was a Martian named Smith.  Valentine Michael Smith was as real as taxes but he was a race of one."

A famous and venerable novel indeed: Robert Heinlein's "Stranger In Strange Land"

Still fresh today as when it was first published although the themes of sexuality and identity where quite avant-guard for its time

The characters of this time novel are: Athos, Porthos and Aramis and a fourth guy joined them later.

"Les Trois Mousquetaires," Alexandre Dumas

This classic is placed in the future and has a subtitle of " A saga of the year 3,000."

I don't want this one to die on the vine, so here is the story of the famous book that is said to have been a cornerstone of a religion:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlefield_Earth_%28novel%29 




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