TBD on Ning

We are a community of readers who enjoy the effort that writers have labored to produce.

I think we used to have a couple of published authors in our mist.

Have you ever written a book or short story, if so then please put in a few words about your perspective as a writer.

Do you write a specific genre or for a specific class of readers?

How does that process unfold for you?

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My brother is published - do I get points for that?

That's cool, tnbopeep!  Do you mind telling us what he's written?

If you search on Amazon (or where ever you like) for Wade McMahan you'll find his Richard Dick short stories. They're funny short stories (ebook only) with the main character who is a private eye. So he's Dick Dick the dick. Each deals with some outlandish premise - ghosts, ghouls, werepossums (hey, he figures if you can have werewolves you can have werepossums). He's a strange but loveable brother!

On a more serious note, he's working on a multi-volume historical novel about ancient Ireland - Druids & stuff.

I have never had a novel published but being a big fan of novels I have participated in the National Novel Writing Contest six times, each producing a 50,000 word original novel.  I self- published five of them on EONS. Unfortunately, they are lost in cyber space. I have to get them on Amazon that offers the service.  I have not finished editing the latest one I wrote this past November.  I just do it for fun and to enjoy the discipline it takes to write a novel of that length in 30 days or less.  A couple of times I participated in a writing club that met twice a week to give each other moral support then had a dinner to celebrate or commensurate.  I found the discipline of making a plan, sticking to it and producing the required number of words to fit the plot was a wonderful experience. 

Here is a great discussion on the merit or lack of merit of participating in the program.  http://entertainment.time.com/2012/11/07/nanowrimo-is-national-nove...




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