TBD on Ning

Ironically on George Washington's birthday I started reading Brad Meltzer's THE FIFTH ASSASSIN.  This is a political thriller about presidents. From John Wilkes Booth to Lee Harvery Oswald, there have been  more than two dozen assassination attempts on the POTUS.  Four have been successful. Meltzer's story is about a killer in D. C. who's meticulously re-creating the crimes of the four assassins. Here, you can read about the book.  So far it's holding my interest.


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I have read a lot of the Meltzer books over the years.  I have recently read "The Inner Circle," another Washington inside book about clandestine goings on in the National Archives and a secret society that dates back to the years of Washington.  I have "The Fifth Assassin" on my "To Read" list as soon a I can get a copy without paying full price.  I may break down and spend the $12.99 that Amazon wants for the best seller.

I get my reads from our library using their on-line site. Today I picked up Maeve Binchy's A WEEK IN WINTER. Have given my reserve copy of George Saunder's TENTH OF DECEMBER to a friend.  Hopefully, she'll be able to explain his stories to me!!  I really struggled with his satire!!!

I think you'll really like WEEK IN WINTER, rapa; I sure enjoyed it.

Thanks.  I am ordering it also.  Ray





i am ordering




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