TBD on Ning

Reviewed by Mary Ann Smyth at BookLoons.com

Forensic psychiatrist Keith Ablow has written the fourth in his dynamic series featuring Frank Clevenger - a forensic psychiatrist. Writers are admonished to write of what they know. Ablow has done just that. Psychopath takes the reader into the mind of a serial killer. Not that I would want to be there, but once I started reading it was hard to stop.
Dubbed the Highway Killer, Jonah Wrens travels about the United States trying to convince himself that his killing spree is his way of finding God. Clevenger takes it upon himself to track this man down, convinced that no one is all evil, that there are reasons when someone turns to the wrong path. Again, it's a case of the old adage that the sins of the father are visited upon the child - in this particular case, it's the sins of the mother. Psychopath bores into the twisted mind of Jonah Wrens and his relationship as a child with his mother. It's frightening and appalling to think that what happened to Wrens in his early years could produce such a person.
Ablow has written a chilling, compelling and fascinating book that is hard to put down. The action races from page to page, leaving the reader breathless and scared, but anxious to continue. I guarantee this story will stay with you after the last chapter has been finished and the book closed.

After starting a few books that I chose not to finish, I became absorbed in this psychopathic serial killer story.  I intend to look at the author's first three books, as well.

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 A few years back I read a couple of Ablow books and enjoyed them.  He is usually on TV (Fox News is where I have seen him) giving his take on some incident or other).  Maybe I will pick up a copy and check what he is into writing now. 

This 2003 book is said by Amazon to be out of print.  I did find a copy in our library and have it on order.  Ray, did you get the Kindle edition?  Looks like it will be a fascinating read!  Thanks for the recommend!

No.  Our library had an actual print copy.  It was probably purchased in 2003 and will no doubt be retained until it falls apart. 

It seems Dr. Kieth Ablow is off to bigger and better things that writing novels:  http://www.newburyportnews.com/local/x730438849/Ablow-Will-run-with...

Thanks, Mandy Muffin,  for article about Ablow!  Enjoyed reading about his aspirations.  Psychopath has been transferred to my branch and I can pick it up this week. 

Picked up PSYCHOPATH today.  Thrilled as it's a 2003 pristine first edition signed by Keith Ablow!  Thanks again to Ray for recommending this book and author!

Just started this book.  WOW!!!!!   Will be reading into the wee hours!!!!

i checked my notes and have read The Architect and Murder Suicide by him some years ago.  Here is a complete listing of what he has written.  The Casey Anthony analysis looks interesting:  http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Keith%20Ablow&...

Thanks, Mandy Muffin, for the complete listing of Ablow's published writings.  None of his non-fiction appeals to me.  His novel, PSYCHOPATH, is exceptional!




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