TBD on Ning

 Here is a list of 45 of the best books to read on the road for anyone planning a trip this summer.  I am taking one the first week of August that will include Canada and New England, as I attend a family reunion in Rhode Island.  I must say there are new titles here for me.  http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1ujc10/:+H5gWz$S:45mg_sID/matadornetwork.com/notebook/45-best-books-read-road/

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Lists are always interesting, but I always seem to want to ask why certain books are on the list, or not on the list.  I love Khaled Hosseini, but after sobbing my way through A Thousand Splendid Suns can't imagine it as a vacation read.  I would have added Nicholas Sparks' non-fiction Three Weeks With My Brother; it's about their trip around the world visiting spiritual places, like Machu Picchu and Easter Island and coming to terms with their family history.  Or how about Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a study of life's values discovered on a cross-country trip by a father and son.  But I'm guessing you all have your favorite book that should be on this list.  Thanks Mandy for sharing.

I loved Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance in particular since I read it while traveling 

I also would suggest William Least Moon's book Blue Highways of 14,000 mile travel through America's back roads

Have recommended to many people and all thought it is a unique and exceptional book


The author had lost his job teaching English Writing so it was a poignant time of his life, he explains how the book came to be in his other book which is also very much worth reading but it is about writing


I have read 15 of the books. I would have put a few others on my list:  Murder on the Orient Express, Ship of Fools, Free Air, Life and Death on the Tamiami Trail, just to mention some I recall and host of other hiking books, including the recent "Wild" that was made into a movie that was nominated for the Academy Award this year. 

Bill Bryson...have read couple of his books. INTO THE WILD...saw the movie and loved it...but didn't read the book.

URSULA...Kate Atkinson..."Started Early, Took My Dog" from your 101 best crime/mystery selections is just the type of story I love!!! I must get more by this Author! Today while mending (BOO HISS!!!) listening to it on Audio made the time fly by!!! Happy, happy!




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